Advisory Group
Within the AHRC, the Leadership Fellow works under the guidance of the Modern Languages Advisory Group which is chaired by Professor Michael Worton

AHRC Modern Languages Advisory Group Members:
Member Name
Professor Michael Worton
Chair, University College London
Professor Marilyn Booth
University of Oxford
Professor Janice Carruthers
AHRC Leadership Fellow for Modern Languages
Professor Thomas Clancy
University of Glasgow
Professor Catherine Davies
Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London
Professor Sally Faulkner
University of Exeter
Professor Charles Forsdick
University of Liverpool
Professor Neil Kenny
University of Oxford
Professor Chege Githiora
SOAS, University of London
Professor Julian Preece
University of Swansea
Professor Caroline Rose
University of Leeds
Professor Carol Tully
University of Bangor
Dr Gerda Wielander
University of Westminster
Ms Janet Zmroczek
British Library